You know, writing is... it's an experience. I mean, I'm sitting here tapping out words on a school district computer, vaguely wondering what my classmates might be doing, considering, maybe, the audience this post will reach.

Not much of one, I assume.

But imagine if it did. Because, wow, then this (the product of boredom in a class I maybe should be focusing in) starts to matter. Because without an audience, what is a writer? A dreamer, mostly. A person screaming out words to a void that doesn't care, that won't give feedback or ponder at the carefully crafted sentences. 

But with an audience?

Ideas become shared things, works of art and color that flow not just through one mind but through many. The words start to matter, because if they aren't heard? They truly and honestly don't. I'm sure we all know the old riddle "If a tree falls in the forest, and no one's around, does it make a sound?" This applies to us and our thoughts and feelings if we don't share them, and writing can be a useful platform for it, and it's been my chosen craft for quite some time now. 

And then we come back to you. The audience I may or may not have, the one I'm imagining right now as I hammer away at this keyboard. I never expected to have you here, so I bid you welcome. And I'd like to let you know that without you? None of this matters except inwardly (let it never be said that you cannot be your own audience- if you write something and you really hear it, that is a momentous occasion), so I thank you for hearing my rambling.

Now, maybe go write something for an audience of your own. Be heard.



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